They’re spending money they don’t have and you will pay
As noted here after the last school board meeting, the North East School District is set to vote to spend $4 million at the December 5th board meeting which will inevitably result in a substantial tax increase.
Act 1 says they don’t need your permission

The Act 1 index was over 7 percent last year, this coming year it’s 5.7 percent so they’re promising not to raise our taxes more than 5.7 percent. How nice of them!

It’s your money, do you have an opinion?
The school board meeting is Thursday, 12-5-24. Some of you might want to attend and see which board members want to raise your taxes because that’s where this money will come from.
NE School Board meeting 12-5-24 (Reorganizational mtg and regular board mtg agendas)
NE School Board backup documents 12-5-24
Act 1 questions and answers
Act 1 adjusted index history (downloads Excel spreadsheet)
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Jim K. says
Why would taxes go up since these are energy savings projects? Isn’t there a cost-avoidance return on the investment with a payback period?
Also, why are taxes going up at the same time school district enrollment is trending downward fast, and the federal DOE is likely to be eliminated?
Last, didn’t the district receive COVID funds for ventilation upgrades? What happened there?
Retrofitting air conditioning in schools is an awful idea since it’s needed roughly two weeks in the late Summer and 1-2 weeks in the Spring. Get a fan and maybe some portable units!!
Lynne says
What is the location and time of the meeting?
Paul Crowe says
Tomorrow there is a reorganizational meeting starting at 6PM and then the regular board meeting begins at 6:30PM. They are in the North East Elementary School Board Room.
Joan Bubna says
I would like to see a review of all their expenditures so far and are they held to any kind of budget who okays all this spending How much will our school taxes go up due to this spending
Joan Bubna says
I think this school board is out of control
Paul Crowe says
The school administration proposes the spending plans. The school board members vote on those plans and not all members vote the same way.
Lorraine Haibach says
You took an oath to put the needs of the students first. You should have done the air first plus the other repairs needed before that field!
Alisha Tomac says
As an alumni to North East School district, the fact you put a select students first with putting in a new football field is out of line. This board knew there were other issues that needed to be addressed first, for ALL students. There was nothing wrong with that football stadium. It was always well kept and beautiful. Not to mention all the studies that show artificial turf is worse. But why would they listen to science when they can just raise taxes when they need something else?
Now you want to raise taxes again? Just a small 5.7%, ridiculous. This school board is going to force people who are retired and on a limited income to struggle even more in these times while they spend money wildly. I’m absolutely appalled at what this board is doing to this community and the ALL the students needs.
Paul Crowe says
The 5.7 percent number is the Act 1 index and the limit of any potential increase. The increase will be less, but there will definitely be an increase.
Jimbo says
Agreed. Harborcreek got more snow than we did and went back to school today, Wednesday. Our district just canceled classes for the remainder of the week, and will seek a waiver so they don’t have to makeup the snow days.
Awful for the students, and awful to the residents that pay for this ‘service’
America First says
I know many won’t but you need to physically show up for tonight’s meeting. I wonder how many board member actually read this? You’ll have better luck by showing up and peacefully let your opinions be known.
jeffery L Buchholz says
I assume the Board meeting was cancelled. It was noted on the school’s website that all buildings were to be closed (weather) for the safety of students and staff.
Was there a meeting?
Jeffery Buchholz
Paul Crowe says
Meetings were both held as scheduled, reorganizational and regular board meeting.
Articles coming. I had a busy morning.