If you are registered to vote in North East Borough, North East Township or Greenfield Township, here is the information you need before going to the polls.
The ballot you will see depends on your location. Click on the link below that applies to you and you will be able to see your choices before going to the polls so you can take your time and make an informed decision on the candidates of your choice.
Polls are open from 7AM to 8PM.
Sample ballots for the next election will be posted when available.
Voting Maps for North East Borough and Township
In North East Borough, you reside in either the 1st or 2nd Ward. In North East Township, you reside in either District One or District Two. Not sure which voting district or ward applies to you? Look at the maps linked here and find out.
North East Borough 1st Ward Map
North East Borough 2nd Ward Map
North East Township District 1 Map
North East Township District 2 Map