Robert Mazza, running as a Republican primary write-in candidate for North East Township Supervisor, won the three way race receiving 182 votes from the 363 total Republican write-ins. The only official number reported by Erie County is the first place finisher. Mazza will face Democrat Godfried “Fritz” Holzhausen in the November general election. The write […]
North East Voter Information Page Now Available
When election day comes around, basic information voters need is often hard to find, so we thought we would make it easier for the residents of North East by adding a voter information page. You’ll find voter maps that show which district or ward you reside in and you’ll be able to look at the […]
Curt Sonney Direct to Home Wine Sales Bill Passes House 192-1
Pennsylvania House Bill 189, sponsored by Representative Curt Sonney, passed the house this week by a vote of 192 to 1. The bill allows a state resident to order wine and have it delivered direct to their home, but the winery must: Obtain a $100 “direct shipper” license from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. Have […]
Retro Series Race Held at North East Slotcar Raceway
If you’re a man of a certain age, you remember slot cars, but you might have thought they disappeared years ago. Not so! They’re still around and coming back. Here in North East, there’s a track, North East Slotcar Raceway, with regular racing each week and they just hosted a Penn-Ohio Retro Series race with […]
North East Wind Turbine Project Ends
As reported on North East Windmills, the effort to build an industrial wind turbine project in North East Township has come to an end as Pioneer Green Energy has notified local land owners it will not be renewing leases for the construction of wind turbines on their property. Local residents opposed to the project are […]
North East Fruit Growers Annual Stockholders Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of North East Fruit Growers, Inc. will be held on Thursday, January 29th, 2015 at the Harborcreek Social Hall, 7275 Buffalo Road, Harborcreek, PA. A luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. followed by a meeting at 1:30 p.m. for the Election of Directors and for such other business […]
North East Township Supervisors Approve 2015 Budget
The North East Township supervisors approved the 2015 budget at a meeting at 10AM on Tuesday, December 30th. Supervisors also fixed the tax rate for the coming year with no tax increase. After Hill Engineering reviewed the waterline project bids opened on December 23rd and checking bidder references, the low bidder, Mortimer’s Excavating, was awarded […]
North East Township Waterline Project Bids Opened
Nine bids were received for the North East Township waterline project. At a 10AM meeting on December 23rd, the bids were opened. The amounts ranged from a low of $478,279.00 to a high of $893,398.00. The low bidder was Mortimer’s Excavating, Inc. Supervisors and Hill Engineering will go over the bids to be sure they […]
Virtual Oil Pipeline Runs Through North East
Did you know one of our country’s biggest oil pipelines runs right through the middle of North East? You’ve heard of the long delayed Keystone XL pipeline, but we’ve got a big one already in place, you could call it the North East XL pipeline. It’s made out of multiple oil trains about a mile […]
North East Township 2015 Proposed Budgets Now Online
As previously announced in a public notice, the 2015 preliminary budgets for North East Township are available for inspection at the township office between 9AM and 4PM. For those of you who wish to look them over, but cannot find free time during the day, we have made them available right here. It’s a lot […]