The books listed here go into great detail on a variety of important topics, to a far greater degree than possible on this website. They relate to many things covered here and offer you ideas to consider when forming your own opinions while deciding what you can or should do.
Personal Development / Learning
This section contains books with unique and powerful insights. I’ve found them to be very helpful and, perhaps, you will, too.

Atomic Habits
Build good habits & break bad ones – master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results – highly recommended!

So Good They Can’t Ignore You
Stop worrying about what you feel like doing (and what the world owes you) and instead, start creating something meaningful

Learn a new talent, master hard skills, stay relevant, reinvent yourself, adapt to whatever comes your way

Deep Work
Master complicated information in less time with the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task
Specialized Topics
Energy, immigration, medicine, geopolitics and much more affect us right here in North East. These books offer a very different perspective from anything you’ll find in our local media.

Fossil Future
Oil, coal & natural gas provide for & protect human life. Without affordable, reliable & on-demand energy, we die.

America’s Cultural Revolution
In the 60s, the radical left began their long march through our institutions. Chris Rufo lays it bare & suggests how we may stop it.
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