The North East School District has made it a practice to have an impromptu award ceremony near the beginning of every other board meeting. These award ceremonies are due to the superintendent’s desire to recognize students for all sorts of different reasons. This month’s awards are for “conflict resolution and self-control.” All of the students […]
NE School Board Approves Two Projects at a Cost of $3.85 Million
To no one’s surprise, the North East School Board voted to approve two spending projects totaling $3.85 million. Both projects passed with votes of 7 to 1. Glenn Craig was the sole no vote in both cases. Board member Charles Ferruggia was not present. Before the vote, board member Katie Phillips, asked Business Manager Jeff […]
NE School Board Holds Reorganizational Meeting and Elects New Officers
The North East School Board held their reorganizational meeting before Thursday’s regular board meeting. Board members voted to determine officers in the coming year. Board President: Nominations for president were Mackenzie Luke and Jim Wargo. Winner: Jim Wargo Board Vice-President: Nominations for vice-president were Alene Rohde and Mackenzie Luke. Winner: Alene Rohde Board Treasurer: Alene […]
NE School District to Spend $4 Million of Your Money at Thursday Meeting
They’re spending money they don’t have and you will pay As noted here after the last school board meeting, the North East School District is set to vote to spend $4 million at the December 5th board meeting which will inevitably result in a substantial tax increase. Act 1 says they don’t need your permission […]
NE School District Lays Groundwork for Another Big Tax Increase
Are you ready for another big school tax increase? Well, start preparing now because all indications are, they’re planning one. During the most recent school board meeting, 11-21-24, Jeff Fox, school district business manager presented the year end summary and then described a major upcoming project, entitled GESA (Guaranteed Energy Savings Act) Phase III (High […]
It’s Time for Earlier Publication of the School Board Agenda and Backup Documents – UPDATED
Last month I suggested publishing the school board agenda and backup documents online earlier than 24 hours prior to the meeting, so the public would have an opportunity to look it over, to give everyone a chance to study the information presented and to make arrangements to attend if something important to them was going […]
North East School Board Votes to Table Policy Revisions for Title IX 2024 Updates
In a long and very well attended board meeting, the North East School Board, in a 5 to 4 vote, tabled the policy revisions incorporating the 2024 updates to Title IX until the United States Supreme Court decides whether the updates are constitutional. Board members voting to table the updates: Nick Mobilia, Corrie Boyd, James […]
Let’s Commit to a No School Tax Increase Budget This Year
The $4 million grass replacement project is water under the bridge, it’s done, the money is spent, so let’s move on. It’s time, right now, to think about the school budget, so we don’t run into the usual end of the school year surprise with a budget that can’t be balanced without a big tax […]
Here’s a Suggestion for Better School Board Meetings with a More Informed Public
The North East School District publishes the agenda and backup documents to be discussed and/or voted on before every school board meeting. They are posted on the school district website just over 24 hours prior to the meeting which is within the time they are required to do so. Backup documents can be quite long, […]
What is the Point and Purpose of Our School Board?
Why do we have a school board? Who are these people, what are they doing, what are they supposed to do and most importantly, who do they work for? The answers to those questions are simple, but it appears many people, including some members of the board, are either unclear about their proper role or […]