While the North East School District is currently planning to buy two newer higher capacity buses, I just noticed they have listed two older buses for sale on the district website. It makes sense to sell the buses to be replaced, but I wonder how widely the sale has been advertised. School Bus – 2018 […]
NE School District to Swear in Newly Elected Board Members on Dec 4th
The North East School District will hold its reorganization meeting on Monday, December 4th at 6PM. Newly elected and re-elected board members to be sworn in with the oath of office: Glenn Craig Charles Ferruggia Mackenzie Luke Katie Phillips Alene Rohde James Wargo Nominations and elections of the president, vice president and treasurer will follow […]
NE School District Proposes Changes to Public Participation Rules at Board Meetings
In the agenda for the November 16th school board meeting there is a line item: First Reading: Board Policy 903 – Public Participation in Board Meetings, Revised The revisions shown below change what members of the public must do to address the school board. The revisions are shown with a line through the words being […]
North East School District to Vote on Comprehensive Plan
The North East School District’s comprehensive plan will be voted on at the next board meeting October 19th. If you have not yet reviewed the plan, it is available along with a number of supporting documents. Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan Presentation Induction Plan Professional Development Plan Gifted Education Plan Assurance Anyone interested in the direction […]
North East School Board to Vote on New Collective Bargaining Agreement
The special board meeting of the North East School Board on June 29th, 2023 is for the purpose of considering and adopting the tentative agreement reached between the North East School District and the North East Education Association for a successor collective bargaining agreement to be effective from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027. […]
NE School District Final Budget Proposes 3.82 Percent Tax Increase – Vote on 6-1-23
The North East School District final budget proposal for the 2023-24 school year is scheduled for a vote on 6-1-23 at the regular board meeting. The budget reflects revisions to expected income and expenses since the initial proposal resulting in a reduction of the recommended tax increase from 3.97 percent to 3.82 percent. Be sure […]
Questions Remain Over North East School District Decision to Install Artificial Turf
As noted recently, the North East School District voted to spend $3.5 million dollars to install artificial turf in a major upgrade to the athletic field. The information provided to the board in the public meeting was a presentation by a representative from the company that would provide the product and perform the work. The […]
Court Case Proceeds Against North East School District Over Sunshine Act Violation
The long running court case against the North East School District, almost identical to a case in Millcreek, has been slowly moving through the courts. As detailed in a story on GoErie, The initial cases against student masking, that requested the removal of school board members was lost by the parents last September, the judge […]
A Modest Proposal for Meetings of the North East School Board
If you attend any meetings of the North East School Board, you’ll likely notice something right away, it’s the atmosphere. It’s hard to put your finger on it, but the board appears distant, members of the public appear to be viewed as a necessary nuisance, you might almost say the feeling is adversarial. Why is […]
North East School Board Meetings Hide Big Spending in Plain Sight
If you have never attended a board meeting for the North East School District, you owe it to yourself to show up at least once. Very few members of the public appear at any meetings and when board members become used to operating relatively unseen and unheard, it’s easy for their behavior and procedures to […]