Public Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance NO. 2025-3
Greenfield Township, Erie County, PA, hereby gives Notice of its intent to adopt proposed Greenfield Township Ordinance No. 2025-3, entitled “An ordinance of the Township of Greenfield, Erie County, Pennsylvania, designating the public roads and streets within the Township of Greenfield as mixed-use recreational and registered motor vehicle roads and streets, and regulating the use of recreational vehicles thereon” at a regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the Greenfield Township Municipal Building, 11184 Rich Hill Road, North East, PA 16428.
The Ordinance sets forth the short title, purpose and definitions for the Ordinance. The Ordinance designates all roads and streets within Greenfield Township that are Township roads or streets as ATV and snowmobile roads and streets and as “joint use” roads and/or streets as defined in the Ordinance. The Ordinance sets forth regulations pertaining to the use of recreational vehicles on Township roads and streets, including requiring operators of ATVs and snowmobiles on Township roads and streets to have in their possession a valid driver’s license and have valid registration certificates and expiration stickers and also requires proof of insurance. The Ordinance also prohibits snowmobiles and ATVs from being operated across privately owned driveways, without head lamps and/or tail lamps, without a stock muffler in good operating condition, and also prohibits operation in a reckless manner. The Ordinance provides that violation of its provisions constitutes a summary offense and, upon conviction, subjects offenders to designated fines and costs.
The Ordinance also includes standard severability, repealer and effective date provisions.
A complete copy of the proposed Ordinance may be examined and copied without charge at the Greenfield Township Municipal Building between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The public is invited to attend said public meeting.
Renee Wagner, Secretary
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