Those of us in North East Township who use Waste Management for garbage pickup service have experienced steady and substantial price increases. In the past year or so, service has been less reliable and timely and now we have two consecutive weeks of no pickups. Service scheduled for November 8th was missed and rescheduled for November 15th. Yesterday, the 15th, service was missed again and according to their website, it is rescheduled for next week on November 22nd. I don’t know how widespread this service outage is, but I can tell from driving around the area, we’re not alone.
No service and no explanation
There are only two basic reasons for missed service, personnel issues and equipment issues. It’s no secret that businesses are having are hard time finding reliable employees who show up on time ready and willing to work. It’s also possible that equipment breakdowns are the issue here, which could also be the result of not having personnel capable of maintaining and repairing the trucks. In either case, Waste Management isn’t saying, they are completely radio silent.
Contacting Waste Management is almost impossible
Waste Management is very good at hiding from their customers. Check out their website and you’ll find no contact page, no email address, no phone number, though they provide lots of Frequently Asked Questions. You can engage in one of those totally useless online chat sessions, but nowhere can you ask a question and get a direct answer from a real human being.
I was just given a phone number from another local resident and I’m going to try it and see if I can get an answer and a credit to my bill for service paid for and not delivered. If it works I’ll make a note of it here.
Is this a slow motion abandonment of North East?
With rising fuel costs it may be that WM is trying to extract themselves from service in this area. I could understand that, but the company should tell their customers what is going on and if they are going away, give everyone time to find another option. If they are not leaving, then tell customers why their service has so dramatically declined and how they are planning to fix and improve it.
Companies change and often decline over time
Many of us have been customers of a variety of companies for many decades where service has been good and reasonably priced, but over the years, people retire and new employees are hired and eventually, the company we once knew as good and reliable, no longer exists, it is composed of an entirely new and different workforce. Is this what has happened here?
I’ll be digging into this and when I know more, I’ll let you know.
In the meantime, what is your service experience with Waste Management? Are they picking up your trash? Leave a comment, we would love to hear from you.
Waste Management
Waste Management Better Business Bureau Complaints
Phone numbers: +1-814-824-7825 +1-800-796-9696
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Unhappy WM customer says
Since this is happening in North East Township, can they put any pressure on Waste Management? Is there a contract to do business in North East? We really need a resolution to this issue, garbage is piling up at the end of driveways.
Jeffery Lowes says
I dismissed WM years ago as their costs kept rising every billing. I’m now with B. W. Stroup with reasonable prices and reliable service.
Paul Crowe says
I see their trucks going by every week and it could be a good option.
Sherman says
Stroup has been very reliable and their prices are fair with different pricing levels. The key is
they show up.
Charlene Mobilia Kerr says
WM didn’t come yesterday. I thought it was a day late because of veterans day. But didn’t come today either. No emails.
Lori says
We are on the HC/NE line on Moorheadville Road down by Rt5. I have called twice in the last 6 weeks to complain about the recyclable pick up. Last Christmas I had to grab our 3 bins of recycling and run the guy down on RT 20!!!!!! The first time I reached a “person” at WM, she told me that he was there and notated that the recycling was not out. I told her that was a complete lie as it is ALWAYS out the night before and we never miss either. Then since then in about the last 6 weeks the recycling has been ignored 3 times. I just spoke to a very nice lady on Weds (our pickup is on Tues mornings) about the recycling not being picked up again and that the week before he missed it and it blew all over our yard and has missed it 3 of the last 6 weeks. She said she would make a note if everything but I have no confidence that anything will happen. HC has a contract with WM and our pricing went up about 30%. The garbage end seems to be fine but the recycling pick up is horrible, It also seems that he gets other recycling picked up along the street so I have no idea why he can not complete his route. If there is another option that would be wonderful but my guess is the more people that sign up for a different service company will eventually run into the same service issues when they get busier. It should be North East and Harborcreek management that puts the pressure on WM to fulfill their contract obligations to their residents.
Dennis Kershner says
Yes, I have experienced poor service as well. I have been successful in demanding part of my payment back since the service is prepaid quarterly. And Paul you correct that they do not make contacting them easy. Unfortunately their chat is the only quick way of contacting them and demanding a refund. By law, they must refund every service missed. Just point out on chat that fact and amazingly you will see a credit on the next billing cycle. I have also been successful in renegotiating the service by quoting competitors like Raccoon which unfortunately went out of business. I took my trash to the Sherman waste transfer station today and it cost me $5. They handle cardboard, glass,paper and electronics as well. Even our township recycling has become an issue for glass and cardboard when I go there all the dumpsters are full. Sherman is open Saturday from 8 to 3..
Joan Bubna says
I totally agree they have had steady increases and I usually only have one bag of garbage and you never know if they are coming if they cancel it is always at end of day then they charge fuel cost they say they have to send a bigger truck for something that was their fault If you look at the truck it is the same size as weekly pickup Sometimes they don’t show up because their drivers exceeded DOT hours,not our problem
Amanda Steeneck says
We started with BW Stroup after Racoon went under and they have been nothing short of wonderful.
Jen says
Thanks Paul for making this post!
We’ve had such inconsistent service the past year….i keep calling to get a credit since they are not upholding their side of our contract. We pay for trash to be picked up EVERY Friday. I suggest all customers do the same!
Here is the number I use::
See if this works for you!
David Hunt says
I threw in the towel on WM years ago. Raccoon Refuse was my next move. They went away and now I’m using BW Stroup. They did a couple price jumps recently; however, they are still way below what I was paying WM years ago. BTW: They always answered the phone when I called.
Colleen says
Waste management is horrible. If they miss you and you don’t cash that day to give them a chance to come back, you are charged for the service that day!!! This is just outrageous and probably illegal for charging for services not rendered!