During the Saturday meeting of the North East Community Marina Authority, there was considerable discussion about the number of boats and trailers currently sitting in the parking lot that have been there, unmoved, for years. It has been difficult to contact the owners of each boat due to the marina changing hands several times and as a result, records matching boats to owners are not readily accessible, while legal procedures make the process even more cumbersome. They are making progress and phone calls are being made. These boats are blocking parking spots for marina visitors and current boat owners. Adding to the issue is the question about storage fees and whether some of these boats are current or in arrears.
Boats must be moved
If you or someone you know owns one of these boats, please contact the marina authority immediately. The authority will eventually be required to advertise for the purpose of locating the owners of boats that cannot otherwise be identified. Depending on the specific circumstances, it may even result in forfeiture of title with the marina then determining the best disposition of the boat. All of this can be avoided if the owners contact the marina and make arrangements to get their boat moved.
New logo coming
It was also noted that the marina is going to be changing the logo and signage to reflect the name change from North East Marina to North East Community Marina. They have several new logo options and they will be available soon for public comment and preference.
Ongoing discussions
Chairman Eric Urbanowicz, said discussions are ongoing with the PA Fish and Boat Commission about transfer of the marina to the authority with several items still to be resolved, prominent among them is the issue of sand relocation every year. Requirements for the sand movement come from a previous court case, which has also been difficult to access a copy of so the authority can determine exactly what can and must be done and what options they may have.