The Mellon Heritage Foundation is suing the Erie County Assessment Board for its refusal to grant tax exempt status to most of the former Mercyhurst, then Granite Ridge, property. In a story appearing on GoErie.com, the county stated a large portion of the property is not yet being used for charitable programs and therefore is not exempt. Only the former Ridge Library building has been granted exempt status.
The Mellon Heritage Foundation sued the Assessment Board on June 17. It wants a judge to reverse the board’s ruling and declare the property exempt from real estate taxes.
Why would Erie County insist on taxing the property, requiring the entire campus be immediately put to use for charitable purposes rather than allowing the foundation time to get the veterans programs up and running? The long term benefits to veterans, the North East community and the entire region from this facility are immense and worth far more than whatever revenue the county would gain in taxes, while the added burden of taxes will only slow the development of those programs.
Another lawsuit, against Agresti Real Estate, North East Campus LLC, Jonathon Ehrenfeld and Blue Ocean LLC, concerns the condition of the aquatic center which is currently unusable needing $2.2 million in repairs. The intention was to use the center for physical therapy and other related purposes almost immediately. The suit states the conditions were not disclosed prior to purchase.
Mellon is claiming the real estate company and the former owners failed to disclose what he says were defects. He and the foundation are seeking $2.5 million in damages.
It’s unfortunate to see the circumstances leading to this litigation and it would be best for all parties if it is resolved soon.
Source: GoErie.com
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