Members of the North East Township planning commission, along with members of Erie County government, have been hard at work for over a year reviewing the township zoning ordinance and zoning map. During Monday’s meeting, township supervisors were presented with the planning commission’s completed revisions.
It was noted that many definitions of terms were added to the ordinance and a new multi-use zoning category was added to the map.
The supervisors will be reviewing the documents in the coming weeks and, if necessary, inserting their own recommended changes. When the supervisors are through, a public hearing will be announced and the ordinance will be available for review by the public prior to the hearing. Depending on the outcome of the hearing, if further changes need to be made, there will then be another hearing, or if no changes are deemed necessary, the revised ordinance and map will take effect.
Weight limits, veteran banners and marina docks
In other business at the meeting, the supervisors approved the ordinance establishing 10 ton weight limits on Bort and Archer roads plus East Law and South Washington.
Veteran banners will, sometime in the future, begin to appear on poles within the township, notably in Gravel Pit Park.
Supervisors also noted they would provide assistance to the marina for the installation of docks.
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