North East Borough has made a recent change to their website with the addition of public notices and any related upcoming ordinances. One of the reasons North East PA Online was established in the first place was to make this information more accessible to residents of both North East Township and North East Borough. As we stated at that time:
Our local government is legally required to post public notices before taking a wide variety of actions, such as holding public hearings or enacting ordinances, but North East notices are posted in the Erie newspaper because it is the “paper of record” for this area. Even if you’re interested in local issues you may never find out about a meeting or hearing that’s important to you unless you follow those notices closely. We are unaware of their availability anywhere else.
Doing more than the minimum is appreciated by residents
Our local governments and the school district, have been putting notices in the Erie paper, but there has never been anything preventing them from doing more and it is very helpful if, in addition to the newspaper, they also post it in other locations making it quickly and easily accessible to residents who want to take a more active part in their community. With this addition to their website, North East Borough has taken a welcome and much appreciated step toward keeping borough residents “in the loop.”
We will continue to post this information on North East PA Online, but we welcome this added access on the borough website. To whomever is responsible for this change, Thank You!