A citizens group in North East has outlined a well researched list of issues for the borough and township to seriously consider before any immigrants could be housed at Granite Ridge. The recent acknowledgement by the Ehrenfeld Companies and Granite Ridge that this option was on the table has created a high level of concern among residents and businesses in North East about the dangers this could create in our community.
While the program describes these immigrants as unaccompanied minors, a term that conjures images of little boys and girls, the actual make up of these groups is often far different:
The majority of the unaccompanied children crossing the border are teenagers. According to Unaccompanied Children (UC) Program Fact Sheet, “In FY 2022, approximately 72% of all children referred were over 14 years of age, and 64% were boys. In FY 2022, countries of origin of youth in this program were approximately as follows: Guatemala (47%); Honduras (29%); El Salvador (13%); and other (11%). ”
Who are these children?
“According to the testimony of the Border Patrol’s acting chief, even as far back as 2017 it was known that at least 59 UAC (Unaccompanied Alien Children) had been identified as members of the MS-13 gang. That number has increased significantly; we received testimony that other gangs likewise send members and even have UAC members graduate to adulthood and apply to sponsor other UAC members. Entire separate facilities were required at some ORR shelters to house those UAC who were flashing gang signs, engaging in fights, and making threats due to gang affiliation.” The state of Florida’s GRAND JURY also found evidence that there were “adults posing as children” and “were simply taken out of the facility and released, as one manager put it, “into the wild” .”
What else do we know about the children?
Senator Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee states on her own website, that Customs and Border Protection has been sounding the alarm on the connection between children and human trafficking for years. The coyotes, the cartels, and the gangs use children as drug mules. They use them as sex slaves. If you don’t believe me, ask anyone with the CBP why they administer pregnancy tests to little girls as young as 13 as soon as they arrive at the border .”
Contagious diseases, too?
“New York City’s health commissioner announced last week (article published April 21, 2023) that the influx of migrants from the southern border — more than 50,000 to New York City alone in the past year — is delivering contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio, to our neighborhoods. The same disease threats are also endangering other migrant destinations, including California, Texas and Florida. ”
It’s not a pleasant list and if you’re on the fence about this issue, you should read the full statement, linked below, where you’ll find even more than is quoted above along with references you can check out for yourself.
This plan for Granite Ridge is not right for North East for the reasons above and many more. The statement below includes a special phone number for US Representative Mike Kelly where you can text your concerns about this issue. Also, please be sure to attend the public meeting with Granite Ridge on May 11th where officials from Granite Ridge and Erie County will be present.
North East Citizens Group Statement
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Dave Herman says
Thanks for publishing this information Paul.
Granite Ridge was quick to point out benefits of a potential unaccompanied minors facility in North East. However, people need to understand the serious negative impacts that have been documented about this program.
I encourage folks to read the full statement you linked above. This statement will also appear in the North East News Journal – front cover of Section B tomorrow – April 28.
This issue is once again on the North East Township Supervisors agenda for their meeting May 1 at 7:30PM – I encourage everyone to attend!
Heather Jones says
I’d like to thank this group of concerned citizens for putting together this information.
Joan Bubna says
I am very concerned about safety in the area as I live near the facility
Trena Manvillel says
Excellent compilation of potential negatives of housing unaccompanied minors at Granite Ridge. One thing that I don’t think was mentioned us that among illegals crossing the southern border 333 persons have been on the terrorist watch list. True, those are expelled, buy how many are there among the “got aways”?
Glenn Craig says
With Ms.Rodas recent testimony before a house committee. She stated the the US Gov’t is acting like a middle man getting these children moved into our country as Debt Slaves. Meaning that they have to work to pay off thier debts to the Cartels for getting them up to Our Border. I don’t believe the residents of North Esst want any part of enabling this to continue.
Paul Crowe says
One comment and associated responses removed …
Ann says
Loved the information you provided on the medical measures that the UK is now taking to identify those seeking entry as unaccompanied minors. I wonder if Mike Kelly would consider sponsoring similar legislation for our protection ?
Maryann Frontino says
My concern is that a high security facility complete with Barbed wire walls encircling the granite ridge property is being allowed in the middle of North East Borough./ township. What public officials allowed or supported this and why? Granite Ridges motivation is not to help or supports immigrants . It is strictly financial and they will make millions while destroying this community. I hope I’m wrong
P. Diroll says
Any knowledgeable person knows exact what you have stated here.
“I love when people state the obvious.”
Paul Crowe says
Excellent article on what’s happening at our southern border with details of who is enabling the flood of immigrants and how it actually works:
Federal Government Behind Massive Operation to Send Illegal Immigrants into U.S.
Definitely worth your time to read!
Concerned Citizen says
It seems that other powers that be in North East seem to IGNORE how the taxpaying citizens feel..SO, In regard to GRANITE RIDGE in North East – It would be correct if people Stopped calling them MIGRANT children, THEY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS AS ARE THEIR ILLEGAL ALIEN PARENTS! Their lifestyle is that of crime as learned from their illegal parents, thug criminal life style. Robbery, muggings, break in’s, both homes and vehicles, total destruction in this small town, our SAFETY at risk! Plus it’s a residential area putting our citizens & businesses at risk if these illegals are brought here. Take them to Ash street – Erie County Prison 1618 Ash Street Erie, PA 16503-2168. Actually they need sent back to their homeland. Maybe take them to the people’s homes who helped sell St. Mary’s to the Granite Ridge thugs to begin with…A beautiful landmark also being destroyed by greedy foolish idiots who bought it. Take these illegals to their lavish homes, not our town.
Joe Activist says
There is absolutely no benefit to our town or the country as a whole, we are enabling the UN and globalist plan of “Great Replacement” by which the native stock is displaced in order to obtain a more “compliant” population by importing the 3rd world to become the 3rd world. This will be a millstone around our neck intended to collapse our political, social services, and traditions of freedom and liberty. There are reasons why there are no great multicultural civilizations, because they break apart and lead to war. Inviting these illegal migrants in on its face is the worlds greatest crime against humanity not to mention the cost we are paying for our own destruction. The backers of this agenda are playing the long game and the worst is yet to come.
Nader S Mousa says
If you want to resolve the issue don’t make it sound that these kids are some kind of a disease …. ” contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio ” who ever made this comment poor choice of words , Our Concern the most is security , Property value , Lack of resources , Safety of our kids in NE and Language …. you say diseases they’ll tell you take an antibiotic .