Would you consider yourself an informed citizen or are you doing your best to become one? In my experience it’s more than a little frustrating trying to find out what’s going on in our community, especially within our local government. This first came to my attention during the debate over wind turbines, but after meeting other residents, I found they, too, were not satisfied with the available information and wanted to know more.
This website is here because I believe there is a better way.
Information, ideas and what you can do
Everyone with an interest in the future of North East can use this website as an information resource. It is completely independent and not affiliated with the township, borough or school district in any way.
Our approach here is positive and action oriented. You can find out about projects and events in the planning stages or already underway, and, while we want to share new ideas we’ve been thinking about and, yes, our opinions, too, we also want to hear from you. Most importantly, we’ll show you where you can go and what to do if you want to learn more or get involved.
North East resident or business, this site is for you!
If you’re a resident of either North East Township or Borough, or would like to be, bookmark this site right now. Do you have a business in North East? Would you like to start one? We’ll have a lot of ideas for you, too.
North East, PA is a community with a long and rich history. It’s a great foundation, but if we’re going to grow and prosper in the future, there is much to do and we need to get started now. Let’s work together to make North East a successful and inspiring example of what Small Town USA can be!
Thank you!
Paul Crowe
Editor and Publisher
North East PA Online
US Army veteran owned and operated
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