In the very near future, you’ll have the opportunity to place ads right here on North East PA Online. If you have a business or operate any type of organization in North East or the surrounding area, provide services here or you’re a resident of North East or somewhere nearby, you will be able to get the word out about what you have to offer and reach all of the readers of this website, people just like you.
What kinds of ads will be available?
You can choose from display ads for your business or classified ads for employment, items for sale, announcements, real estate sales and rentals or almost anything else. Multiple sizes, full color and many other options will be offered. All ads will be manually approved before appearing on the site.
Your input will help both of us
I’m still setting things up and nailing down the details, but if you think this might be something you’re interested in, just go to the contact form and let me know along with some idea of what kind of ads you have in mind. Your response will help me focus on the best type of ads that will work for you.
Building this website for everyone and keeping all of you informed and up to date for the past ten years (Wow, has it been that long?) has been and still is rewarding in so many ways, but there is a lot of work involved and many expenses. Let’s work together to build your business and sell your products and services while helping to keep this resource for everyone online and growing. Sound like a plan? Let’s do it.
Please use the contact form to let me know if you think this sounds like a good fit for you or your business and what type of ads you would like.
Paul Crowe