The special board meeting of the North East School Board on June 29th, 2023 is for the purpose of considering and adopting the tentative agreement reached between the North East School District and the North East Education Association for a successor collective bargaining agreement to be effective from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027.
No backup documentation has been provided. The board states that the information is protected under Act 84 confidentiality laws.
The North East School District is not a private company. Taxpayers should have the right to see what is in a public school collective bargaining agreement before it is voted on by the board. Even some Pennsylvania legislators agree.
The single agenda item listed for the meeting is preceded, as usual, with “It is recommended that the Board approve …” which suggests there will be no discussion and the vote is likely to be unanimous.
UPDATE 6-29: As predicted, there was no public discussion and the vote to approve the agreement was unanimous.
North East School Board meeting 6-29-23 agenda
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Glenn CraigI says
Once again the tax payers is getting blind sided again. Remember this in November chose your school board vote carefully.