The North East Township Board of Supervisors hereby gives public notice of the receipt of request for the inclusion of additional properties in the Agricultural Security Area as acknowledged by Resolution No. 1993-007. The proposal was submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural Area Security Law (Act 43 of 1981, as amended). The proposal is on file and open to the public for inspection at the North East Township Municipal Building, 10300 West Main Road, North East, Pennsylvania, during regular business hours.
Any local government unit encompassing or adjacent to the proposed area or any land owner who owns land proposed to be included within the area or any land owner with lands adjacent or near to the proposed area who wishes such lands to be included or not included therein, may provide modifications of the proposed area by filing the appropriate forms with the Township office.
All objections to this proposal or proposed modifications to this proposal must be filed with the Township and the Planning Commission with fifteen (15) days of the publication of this notice. Thereafter, the original proposal, plus changes, shall be submitted to the North East Township Planning Commission and the Agricultural Area Advisory Committee for their review. Thereafter, a public hearing will be held on the proposal, proposed modifications and recommendations of the Planning Commission and Advisory Committee.
Karen A. Ahlgrim, Secretary
North East Township
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