At Monday’s regular meeting, township supervisors once again heard from a long series of area residents voicing their concerns about the potential property rezoning on South Washington Street. Many of the same points brought up in previous meetings were heard again, but Denny Kershner offered a series of suggestions for lessening the impact of the change if the township decided to go ahead, from lowering the speed limit by 5 mph on Rte 89, additional paving to decrease dust, better storm water management and limiting truck traffic on secondary township roads. Also mentioned were additional trees and other landscaping, which could help control water, but would also visually buffer the trucking facilities from the highway, something the company had promised to do previously. Also presented were photographs illustrating the dust clouds generated by trucks in the unpaved portion of the parking lots on Roberts property.
Several residents stressed the need to make sure development was in the best interests of the community as a whole and not just for a limited number of individuals directly involved in the property sale and company expansion.
For the first time, Kirk Hill, a North East Township planning commission member, but also a principal at Roberts Trucking, spoke on behalf of the company and presented a preliminary drawing to supervisors, showing what they were planning to do. He indicated he would have a larger and more detailed drawing at the August 3rd meeting and would, at that time, make a more formal presentation to the public giving greater detail than the drawing (shown above) provides.
Supervisors said again they were definitely not ready to make any decision on the rezoning because they were still gathering, and being provided with, so much new information.
The next meeting will offer an opportunity for residents to see more details and ask questions. Anyone concerned about this development or wishing to add their comments to the public record should make plans to attend. The planning commission will meet at 7PM followed by the supervisors meeting at 7:30PM on August 3rd.