At their regular meeting on Monday morning, May 20th, North East Township supervisors noted they had phone calls with various officials including Congressman Mike Kelly, representatives for the US Coast Guard and others to discuss what grants or monies might be available for the marina. It turns out that with a designation of Safe Haven, there is no funding available and another designation might be possible, but it would literally take an act of congress to provide funds which would not be available for at least a couple of years and even then, the possibility of those funds being designated for the marina is low.
The Coast Guard is well aware of and very appreciative of the Fuller Hose Company and their rescue capabilities operating out of the marina because of the vast expanse of lake waters the USCG is responsible for covering, but without grants or funds of any sort clearly identified, that support is in the form of a verbal hope that the marina remains open.
Township supervisors, noting the North East Community Marina Authority has been formed with officers elected, stated they did not wish to take any actions that might interfere with that authority in any way and as a result, they are suspending any further efforts along those lines while being ready to offer cooperation in the future if an opportunity to do so should arise.