In the sidebar of this site, I’ve had these two quotes about voting for at least the last four years:
“… one man, one vote, in person, on Election Day, in public, with ironclad voter identification. Absentee ballots should be limited to overseas military personnel only; if you’re out of town or even the country, that’s your choice. There should be no “ballot curing,” drop-off votes, early votes, or judge-mandated late votes.”
~ Michael Walsh
“… with paper ballots, hand-counted in public with multiple observers and no voting machines.”
~ Paul Crowe
President Trump is now calling for the same thing:
BIG: Trump calls for national paper ballot elections – cost just 8% of the cost of electronic systems, can produce accurate auditable results on election night, and have invisible security features that prevent counterfeiting.
Fact Check: True -> More
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) February 21, 2025
Now is the time to get back to election day, not days or weeks, just election day with paper ballots, in person with voter ID. Easy to understand, easy to verify and audit, highly secure, rapid results and it costs less than the current machines. Those who oppose this measure have no good arguments.
Let’s contact our representatives and senators and tell them we support voting in person on election day with paper ballots, no voting machines and requiring voter ID. It’s just plain common sense.
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Dr Jennifer Ritter says
My dad, a veteran, is 90 years old and has voted in every election. Now that he is disabled he would not be able to vote. I can’t support this philosophy. He deserves his right to vote.
Paul Crowe says
That could be a valid reason for an absentee ballot, but NOT a mail in ballot.
Absentee ballots as currently set up, are for those absent from the municipality on election day or those with a physical disability. A strict verification process must be in place, a doctor’s signature to verify the disability is what is currently required in Erie County. As the quote above by Michael Walsh states, a valid absence should be limited to overseas military personnel.
The current mail-in ballot system has none of these restrictions and should be eliminated.
Janelle says
ALL I can say is HORAY!! It’s about time that elections were more fair and honest. And there should be NO internet connections. We all knew the results the same day as a ONE day election for years without all these cheating abilities. Legit absentee ballots but NO mail in or drop off ballots. Thank you President Trump!
Val Crofoot says
I am a WOMAN and I deserve)along with every other registered voter) the right to vote by mail if I choose. I vote one time, securely by mail. Ignorant people of the reality of the FACTS of legal voting by mail think otherwise. My vote, my choice.
Paul Crowe says
You have the right to vote. Voting by mail was instituted during COVID as a temporary emergency measure. It was poorly implemented, introduced the potential for massive fraud and, because the emergency is long past, should be terminated so voting can be returned to the far more secure in-person process.
If added to that, we require voter ID and eliminate the machines, trust in the process can return along with faster results, a superior audit trail and lower cost.
Chris says
Since the DOGE team has been uncovering massive fraud, wasteful spending and much more, how many of the 115+ age people getting SS checks have cast a mail in vote over the years ? I think the number of people getting a SS check above 110 years old is around 15 million. I’m no expert but mail in votes are a bad idea I think. If you can’t/won’t go vote, in person with legal ID and have no legit reason for a absentee ballot then you are part of the problem. First step is admitting the problem exist. It baffles me how lazy and entitled people are today.
Kathleen says
Mail in voting is very secure. You apply for it. It’s a paper ballot. I take directly to the courthouse. I receive an email that they have received my ballot. I receive an email that my vote has been recorded. (You may also mail the completed ballot. )
Paul Crowe says
You’re following the rules which is great. Unfortunately, the mail-in ballot process offers many opportunities for those who wish to cheat. Verifying who is really casting the ballot is impossible.
Honest people never imagine what dishonest people are capable of and how they manage to avoid the checks in the system.
Kathleen says
On the application for a mail in ballot, you must provide your drivers license number and you do not receive the ballot until it has been checked out. They don’t just hand them out like lollipops.