The Planning Commission presented recommended changes to the township zoning ordinance at the North East Township supervisors meeting on November 17. Though the supervisors said they would study those changes, the public was not told what they were during the meeting, but the newspaper lists them in their report.
According to the newspaper the proposed changes are:
- reduction of the setback of accessory structures in the R2 district side yard from eight to five feet
- elimination of the number of stories of a structure in B-1 and B-2 districts while keeping the height requirements
- addition of the winery, brewery classification to the conditional use table in agricultural districts
- specification that no more than six persons be permitted in any resident treatment facility located in the township
- defining day care services in three levels – family, group and centers
- clarification of sign ordinance provisions
- revision of private windmill regulations specifying that they be located 1.1 times their height from a property line
- basing parking requirements for manufacturing on the number of employees
- changes to outdoor light restrictions for commercial areas adjacent to residential areas
It would be helpful if supervisors would read these potential changes aloud in the meeting when they’re received and it would also be helpful if the planning commission had handouts for the public so any concerned residents would have sufficient notice to prepare and contribute to the discussion when these changes are brought up for approval at a future meeting.
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Ann Kreider says
I couldn’t agree more !! . I would think that the residents have the right to know what is happening in the community in a timely way. Finding out after the fact is not in the best interests of the community. The residents are the electorate, and knowing which elected officials or appointed officials represent their interests or do not will certainly influence future elections.