We recently asked when the North East School District was going to stop promoting DEI. The Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE, has just posted this notice:
This letter was sent to the departments of education in all 50 states, notifying them they have 14 days to remove all DEI programming in all public schools. Institutions which fail to comply may face a loss of federal funding. https://t.co/IufnJMln20
— Department of Government Efficiency (@DOGE) February 15, 2025
Letter from Department of Education
It looks like the time has come to make those changes.
When Will North East Schools Remove DEI?
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Jeffery L Buchholz says
This will be an excellent opportunity to observe the performance of our elected representatives.
Regards to all,
Jeffery Buchholz
Jen says
You better believe I’ll be following this one!! There has been so much woven into curriculum and classroom discussions/activities the past few years that focuses on this very theme….you know who will be the best to ask about this??? The STUDENTS…some have graduated, but the memories are still there. I can’t believe what some teachers (thankfully not more than a handful or so) have been pushing….the kids see it, they can spot the agenda like a pie in the sky and because of this lose respect for these teachers and the school…. So sad. The libraries need looked into, teacher training (look back over the past few years and you can see what teachers, bus drivers, and staff have been forced to sit through) the CASEL framework which NESD SEL is based on needs looked into, and all the gender identity resources that teachers (never could get a list of the names) could provide our children with, without parental knowledge, needs to be GONE. The list goes on. We need to get back to a high standard of education which empowers EVERYONE . Teachers will be happier (why the mass exodus the past few years???), students will be happier, and the community will be happier. We don’t need classes trying to “teach happiness” (yes, there actually is a class). As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product”. We need to find ways to help all students play an instrument or sing, participate in sports and clubs, and get involved in the community through volunteerism. The result of this is authentic happiness and elevated self worth, grades will improve, and our community will have renewed spirit. Let’s regroup and get back to basics….it works.
Joan Rudenski-Sim says
This was well written, and I totally agree with you! I also thank God every day that I was able to retire from teaching in this district before DEI and SEL were forced into the curriculum, probably through payouts from nefarious sources. I grieve for the students who were exposed to these things. Common sense and morality are back. Praise God!
Jean says
It is a sad day in America when diversity is not respected.
We have always prided ourselves as being “the melting po.t” Diversity makes our community stronger and more resilient.
We have been taught to treat others as we would like to be treated. Restricting points of view, culling libraries only limits knowledge and provides our children with a narrow, uninformed education. This does not prepare them to excel.
Paul Crowe says
So, you like the melting pot and DEI? Those two things are opposites.
The “melting pot” concept is where immigrants and all groups combine, assimilating into our culture accepting our laws and way of life, a meritocracy where everyone gets a chance to compete equally, not advanced according to skin color or sex. The diversity in DEI is the opposite idea, it stresses differences, creating a divisive atmosphere and shunning merit in favor of equity where winners are chosen without reference to knowledge, skill or experience. You’re in favor of that?
Also, “culling libraries” as you call it, is simply removing age inappropriate material from schools to keep explicit sexually oriented materials away from young children. Some who oppose this call it book banning. When movie ratings keep young children out of R and X rated movies is that movie banning? Protecting children from that sort of thing is part of the culture we support and would like to see others assimilate or “melt” into.
To prepare students to excel, we want them all to have an equal chance to study, to learn, to work hard and build self confidence through their own efforts and accomplishments, in other words, on their own merit not through equity.