First public hearing North East Borough FY 2015 Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Notice is hereby given that North East Borough officials will hold a public hearing at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at the North East Borough Municipal Building, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA 16428. The purpose of the […]
Goals and Objectives of the North East Area Comprehensive Plan
Every plan has a goal, whether it’s losing that last ten pounds, getting a college degree or finding a job, but the North East comprehensive plan is a lot more ambitious than that. The goals and objectives are to: … develop and preserve a pleasant, attractive, healthy, safe, efficient and convenient community environment for living, […]
What is the North East Area Comprehensive Plan?
After attending many meetings of the planning commission and supervisors over the past two years, it was a bit unusual to hear “the plan” referred to in both meetings Monday evening during discussions of a rezoning issue. It has been mentioned before, though rarely, but Monday’s references by both planning commission alternate member Susan Sprague […]
North East Borough Zoning Hearing Board Will Meet June 8th
The North East Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the North East Borough Chambers, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA 16428. The Zoning Board will hear the following variance request: David L. Thornton, developer of Whistle Run Subdivision, requests a Minimum Rear […]
Borough of North East Zoning Hearing Board Meeting
A special meeting of the Zoning Hearing Board is scheduled for Monday, April 20, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Borough Office, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA, to review revised parking plans for 44 West Main Street. No other business will be discussed. Any person with a disability requiring special accommodations to attend […]
North East Borough Auctioning Off Surplus Equipment
North East Borough is selling at public auction two Case International tractors, a Woods brush hog, a Chevy bucket truck and other surplus material or equipment. Equipment offered for sale is subject to change at Borough’s discretion. Auction is by Chesley’s Auctioneering 9530 Route 89 North East, PA 16428, April 25, 2015, 9:00AM. See […]
North East Borough Civil Service Commission Schedules Meeting
North East Borough’s Civil Service Commission will meet, Monday, April 13, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Borough Office, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA, to certify the eligibility list. Borough of North East William L. Rogers, Borough Manager
North East Borough Zoning Hearing Board to Consider Variance
The North East Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the North East Borough Chambers, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA 16428. The Zoning Board will hear the following variance request: North East Chamber of Commerce, owner pending of 44 West Main Street, […]
Retro Series Race Held at North East Slotcar Raceway
If you’re a man of a certain age, you remember slot cars, but you might have thought they disappeared years ago. Not so! They’re still around and coming back. Here in North East, there’s a track, North East Slotcar Raceway, with regular racing each week and they just hosted a Penn-Ohio Retro Series race with […]
Borough of North East Public Hearing to Amend Zoning Ordinance 797
The Borough of North East, Erie County, Pennsylvania, hereby gives notice that the Borough Council, at a regular monthly meeting on April 6, 2015 commencing at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time at the Borough Hall, 31 West Main Street, North East, PA 16428, will conduct a public hearing on and consider enactment of the Ordinance as […]