Invitation for bids: The County of Erie will receive sealed bids labeled for the North East Township North Mill Street Water Line Replacement Project (S-13-E-16-6-1[B]) until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at the Erie County Controller’s Office, Room 107, located at the Erie County Courthouse, 140 West Sixth Street, Erie, PA 16501 at […]
North East Township Water and Sewer February Meeting Canceled
The North East Township Water/Sewer Authority’s February meeting has been canceled. Robert Brown, Secretary
North East Township Water and Sewer Authority January Meeting Canceled
The North East Township Water/Sewer Authority’s January meeting has been canceled. Robert Brown, Secretary
North East Township Supervisors Approve 2015 Budget
The North East Township supervisors approved the 2015 budget at a meeting at 10AM on Tuesday, December 30th. Supervisors also fixed the tax rate for the coming year with no tax increase. After Hill Engineering reviewed the waterline project bids opened on December 23rd and checking bidder references, the low bidder, Mortimer’s Excavating, was awarded […]
North East Township Auditors
The Auditors of North East Township will hold their annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015 at 5:00 pm at the North East Township Municipal Building, 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA 16428. Jean Bahm, Secretary
North East Township Meeting Schedule
The following are the schedules for the various North East Township Board meetings for the year 2015. The first Supervisors meeting of 2015 will be held on Monday, January 5th, 2015 at 7:30 pm. The first Planning Commission meeting of 2015 will be held on Monday, January 5th, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Board of Supervisors […]
North East Township Waterline Project Bids Opened
Nine bids were received for the North East Township waterline project. At a 10AM meeting on December 23rd, the bids were opened. The amounts ranged from a low of $478,279.00 to a high of $893,398.00. The low bidder was Mortimer’s Excavating, Inc. Supervisors and Hill Engineering will go over the bids to be sure they […]
North East Township Water and Sewer Meeting Canceled
The North East Township Water and Sewer Authority’s December 22nd meeting has been canceled. Robert Brown, Secretary
Virtual Oil Pipeline Runs Through North East
Did you know one of our country’s biggest oil pipelines runs right through the middle of North East? You’ve heard of the long delayed Keystone XL pipeline, but we’ve got a big one already in place, you could call it the North East XL pipeline. It’s made out of multiple oil trains about a mile […]
North East Township Route 5 Waterline Extension Project Bids Being Accepted
Invitation for bids. North East Township will receive sealed bids labeled for the Route 5 Waterline Extension Project, until 10:00 a.m. on the 23rd day of December, 2014, at the North East Township Building, 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. […]