Cyber charter schools from the NESD perspective Over the last two NE School District board meetings, Assistant Superintendent Brian Emick presented a great deal of information about cyber charter schools. The presentations emphasized how expensive cyber charter schools across Pennsylvania are and how any student in our district choosing to attend one of those schools […]
NE Borough Council to Address Several Items from Previous Meetings
North East Borough Council will hold a public hearing before Monday’s council meeting for the proposed 2025 budget and the proposed tax ordinance. Afterwards, both will be considered for passage during the regular meeting. Also on the agenda, is the appointment of a replacement member for the North East Community Marina board to fill the […]
NE School Board Approves Two Projects at a Cost of $3.85 Million
To no one’s surprise, the North East School Board voted to approve two spending projects totaling $3.85 million. Both projects passed with votes of 7 to 1. Glenn Craig was the sole no vote in both cases. Board member Charles Ferruggia was not present. Before the vote, board member Katie Phillips, asked Business Manager Jeff […]
North East Borough Proposed Budget and Real Estate Tax Ordinance
The Borough of North East does hereby give notice that the Borough Council thereof will consider at its regular meeting on the 16th day of December 2024 commencing at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time, for adoption, the 2025 Budget which will be available for public inspection during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., […]
NE School District Lays Groundwork for Another Big Tax Increase
Are you ready for another big school tax increase? Well, start preparing now because all indications are, they’re planning one. During the most recent school board meeting, 11-21-24, Jeff Fox, school district business manager presented the year end summary and then described a major upcoming project, entitled GESA (Guaranteed Energy Savings Act) Phase III (High […]
Let’s Commit to a No School Tax Increase Budget This Year
The $4 million grass replacement project is water under the bridge, it’s done, the money is spent, so let’s move on. It’s time, right now, to think about the school budget, so we don’t run into the usual end of the school year surprise with a budget that can’t be balanced without a big tax […]
Mellon Heritage Foundation Suing Multiple Parties Over Issues Involving Purchase of Former Mercyhurst/Granite Ridge
The Mellon Heritage Foundation is suing the Erie County Assessment Board for its refusal to grant tax exempt status to most of the former Mercyhurst, then Granite Ridge, property. In a story appearing on, the county stated a large portion of the property is not yet being used for charitable programs and therefore is […]
NE School District Now Recommends a Proposed Tax Increase of 4.97 Percent
The latest version of the proposed 2024-2025 school budget recommends a 4.97 percent tax increase versus the previous 5.94 percent. There is a great deal to see in the agenda and backup documents for the May 16th, 2024 school board meeting. Please be sure to look them over before the meeting if you plan to […]
Proposed Higher Taxes, Major Track and Field Projects and Fewer Students
School districts across the country are shrinking, nearby New York schools are merging and their athletic teams struggle for lack of students. As the North East School District considers the 2024-2025 budget with a recommended tax increase of 5.94 percent and as a new $3.5 million artificial turf project is about to start, you might […]
NE School District Begins $3.5 Million Track and Field Makeover While Recommending a Tax Increase of Almost 6 Percent
If you haven’t already noticed, the North East School District is just beginning the $3.5 million artificial turf project. Do you remember when the school board gathered input from the entire North East community about whether spending millions of taxpayer dollars for artificial turf would be a good idea? You don’t? Well, I don’t either. […]