Why do we have a school board? Who are these people, what are they doing, what are they supposed to do and most importantly, who do they work for? The answers to those questions are simple, but it appears many people, including some members of the board, are either unclear about their proper role or have forgotten. Let’s see if we can clear things up.
What the school board is and does, it’s purpose for being there
The school board here in North East consists of nine members of the public, chosen by the voters to represent all members of the public within the North East School District. When the school administration makes decisions about running the schools, how to spend taxpayer dollars, what they should be spending money on and what the goals of the district should be, the board is there to keep the administration in check, to help guide their choices and plans and sometimes, to keep the administration from going rogue. The board is there because you and I often can’t be there when decisions are made and without someone there in our place, the public, that’s you and me, may find our needs and concerns ignored or forgotten.
Who does the board work for?
Members of the school board DO NOT work for the school district, they work for us. We put them in their seats to represent us. They are not there to adopt the views and ideas of the school administration as their own, they are there to present a counterpoint if the school administration decides to act against the wishes of the public. A multitude of decisions and expenditures are necessary in regular school operations and each should be considered upon their merits, but when the district decides to take major actions, it is incumbent upon members of the board when studying the issue to listen closely to the public before deciding or voting on that issue. Voting based on their feelings or personal opinions is never proper, they are there to vote on our behalf. If they find it impossible to represent the public with their vote, they may abstain and if any member repeatedly believes listening to the public is difficult or impossible, they should resign.
The board must remember their role as representatives
This week, the issue of the Title IX updates from the Biden administration will be considered for a third reading and possible vote. (Possible, because it may be tabled.) The public has attended the meetings and commented at length and the public is 100 percent opposed to these changes. Not a single person spoke in favor of the change, yet during the board discussion at the last meeting, some members of the board appeared to be leaning toward a yes vote. Those members are entitled to any opinion they wish to hold, but as representatives of the public, they must vote no.
Public schools risk becoming irrelevant
Any board member voting in favor of these changes will destroy what remains of confidence and trust in the public school system by effectively taking away parental rights. Parents across the district, if this mandate is approved, will have every reason to look for alternatives and should be encouraged, for the sake of their children, to do so. This vote is that important.
Members of the public should attend the next board meeting this Thursday at 6:30PM. You’ll want to know which members of the board think your opinions count.
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America First says
Spot on
Priscilla Cochran says
Thank you. There are a few board members who need to read this.
Chris says
As a citizen of North East I, you, we have the right to hold them accountable. We have the right to ask, RTK, for items like the oath of office they took. Like the insurance coverage they need to have. I did this during the covid times. If the board does not keep oaths of office or fails fiduciary duty or possibly violates state/federal laws, We The People have the right and duty to hold them accountable.
Joan Bubna says
Yes I agree who makes these decisions with the taxpayers in mind this school board has spent so much money is it for the students in mind and parents or to look good for the school district I am waiting for election time
Richard Locke says
I thought that the issue was going to be table until the Supreme Court made a written decision.
The board members also have to follow the laws of the state when concerning school districts.
I do home that the decision is male and female’s stays what it has been for the pass centuries.
By the way this is the first time I have replied to this issue.
Ryan D says
Thanks for keeping us informed Paul. I’d add that this policy is meant to enforce a federal rule that is clearly unconstitutional, but that everyone needs to get out and vote. If the USA elects the current administration again and reelects Casey, we will see even more federal government intrusion into our schools and lives. Get out and vote, folks.
Jennifer says
Great points! Thank you for pointing this out to the Board and the public.