The delegate candidate choices of the Trump campaign, Klein, McClure and Khare, won all three available slots in the 5th congressional district. Since most delegates vote for the candidate chosen by the popular vote in the district, this really would have the most impact if Trump did not win on the first ballot at the […]
Ballot Question Regarding Judicial Retirement Age Will Not Count
As noted on our voter information page, there are two questions on the upcoming primary ballot. A Pennsylvania judge has just ruled that the question pertaining to retirement age for judges will be delayed until the November election, so any votes on that question during the primary will not count. The PA legislature has passed […]
Information About Republican Delegate Candidates for 5th Congressional District
If you have previewed the primary ballots for the upcoming election, you may have noticed something very interesting. The Democrat delegate candidates clearly indicate which presidential candidate they are committed to. On the Republican side, there is no information of any sort. How would you know who to vote for? If you have never looked […]
North East PA Online Gets Mention in Columbia Journalism Review
An article in the Columbia Journalism Review mentions this website and author in a larger article about local groups becoming citizen watchdogs, investigating and covering topics sometimes missed by local newspapers as budgets shrink and headcounts are reduced. Much of the story involves the wind turbine issue and how local groups have to organize and […]
North East Voter Information Updated with Ballots for 2016 Primary Election
Our voter information page has now been updated with the ballots for the upcoming primary election. The ballot differs depending on your address and party affiliation. There are a lot of candidates and delegates to choose from as well as questions to answer. If you are not sure which ward or district applies to you, […]
Erie County Report Brings County and State Issues Out in the Open
You’ve probably noticed recently, there have been more articles here on North East PA Online about county and state issues that go far beyond our local area. The issues concern residents of North East, but they concern everyone else in Erie County, as well. So, I’ve decided to start another web site, Erie County Report […]
LECOM Denied Tax Exemption for Senior Facilities Including Parkside at North East
The Erie County Board of Tax Assessment Appeals has denied LECOM’s request for tax exempt status for three senior living facilities, including Parkside at North East. It was surprising to many when the request was initially made and little evidence was presented by LECOM to bolster their case. The tax revenue figures for Parkside at […]
North East Township Planning Commission Reviews Boro Discharge Relocation Project
The North East Township planning commission had it’s first look at the Borough’s wastewater discharge relocation project during their first 2016 meeting. An overall drawing showing the new pump station and pipeline locations provided a comprehensive look at what is going to be involved. This was an chance for the planning commission to review the […]
North East Township Welcomes New Supervisor and Planning Commission to Review Wastewater Outfall Into Lake Erie
The first meetings of 2016 for the North East Township Planning Commission and Supervisors take place on Monday, January 4th at 7PM and 7:30PM respectively at the North East Township municipal building. The planning commission, among other items, will review plans for relocating North East Borough’s treated wastewater effluent discharge from its current location in […]
Governor Wolf Playing Political Word Games in Budget Impasse
In Tuesday’s press conference addressing the PA budget, Governor Wolf spent considerable time attacking the GOP and even former Governor Tom Corbett with his “draconian Corbett budgets,” but what draconian cuts is he accusing the former governor of making? During his campaign, Wolf accused Corbett of cutting $1 billion from education and his reference in […]
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