Invitation for bids. North East Township will receive sealed bids labeled for the Route 5 Waterline Extension Project, until 10:00 a.m. on the 23rd day of December, 2014, at the North East Township Building, 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. […]
Public notices
Our local government is legally required to post public notices before taking a wide variety of actions, such as holding public hearings or enacting ordinances, but North East notices are posted in the Erie newspaper because it is the "paper of record" for this area. Even if you're interested in local issues you may never find out about a meeting or hearing that's important to you unless you follow those notices closely. We are unaware of their availability anywhere else. We will post them here, keeping you informed and aware of what your local officials are doing, so you'll have the opportunity to attend meetings, offer opinions and ask questions. Informed citizens are the foundation of a strong community.
North East Township Budgets Available for Inspection
The Board of Supervisors of North East Township, 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA hereby gives notice that the proposed budgets for 2015 will be on display for public inspection at the Township office on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Adoption of the 2015 budgets will be considered at […]
North East Township Supervisors and Planning Meeting Moved
North East Township Supervisors and Planning Commission have moved the Monday, December 1, 2014 regular scheduled meeting to Tuesday, December 2, 2014. Planning is at 7:00 pm and Supervisors are at 7:30 pm. Both held at 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA. Karen Ahlgrim, Secretary
Special Meeting North East Township
North East Township Supervisors will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be held at 10300 West Main Road, North East, PA 16428. Karen Ahlgrim, Secretary Update: The ordinance to be discussed at this meeting is available for online examination here.
North East Township Local Services Tax Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of North East Township will consider the following Ordinance for adoption on the 25th day of November, 2014, at the North East Township Building, 10300 West Main Road, North East, Pennsylvania 16428, beginning at the hour of 9:00 o’clock A.M. ORDINANCE NO. 2014 – 006 AN […]
North East School District Electing Officers
The North East School District Board of School directors will hold a re-organizational meeting to elect officers at 5:00 p.m. on December 4, 2014. The meeting will be held in the North East Elementary Center Board Room, 50 East Division Street, North East PA 16428. Brian J. Polito, Board Secretary
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